Wednesday, October 31, 2012


To be able to love others we must first love ourselves.  We are not talking about "selfishness", because it is self-centered, where everything revolves around the individual. But we are talking about respect for ourselves. By loving ourselves as we are, we first become able to show love to others.

Love is often represented by a picture of the heart. The heart is the core of the human body. Therefore, the essence of human beings is often indicated by a heart. Love is the essence of human life. To be able to approach happiness, love is necessary. Everyone need love.  Everyone need to accept and give love!

                   All you need is love.

Love and basically everything else appears in the way of accepting love and then giving  love. If we can not accept love we can not give love. We can train ourselves in giving and receiving love, and in fact we can train many other things until we are aware of the practice until it becomes instinctive to us.

Make usual things with great love.
                                                                                                    Mother Teresa

Give and receive unconditional love. Real love is always unconditional, meaning that love is not made with the expectation that something is given back or done  for the one who gives love. There is no requirement for the beneficiary of love from the giver of love. The giver simply gives love, but requires nothing back, however, often love can returned with love, or in some other way.

Love has beent he concept of countless works of poets and artists over the centures.  Whenever love is not allowed to florish it ends with unhappiness and even disaster. An example can be taken from stories such as Tristan and Isold and Romeo and Juliet.  Love between people  is love between people, no one has the right to take people in love apart from each other.  It is not in human power to influence the unconditional love. Love and happiness often go hand in hand. One of the best ways to give love and to receive love is mutual caring. That is, to enjoy caring and give caring. Happiness comes through love; love for the loved ones, love of humanity and love of life itself.  Love to existence it self  and contribution of love to others is  the greatest love!

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