Thursday, October 11, 2012

"When you look for me with all your heart I will let you find me" says in the Bible.

This means that if we are sincere in our search for God then he will let us find him. We can do this by praying in a sincere manner, mention a wish we have, upload or in our mind, and ask for his presence when méditating, in relaxed moments and in all work we are doing each time.

Then it is up to us to have eyes and ears open, realize when he comes in to our lifes, coaches us in our daily routines and our tasks each time.

God has so many ways of entering our lifes but often it happen in the way that other people directs us or gives us some kind of information og direction, we get better ideas how to realise a task, we see the truth - whats is right to do in things we are working on and so on...

Then we realise, little by little, that we are never alone and that God is always there for us and that that is what gives us more security in life, realizing that everything is exactly as it should be, gradually deepens our inner peace and gives us a more profond life.

This is what is called to have a life with God and to have God in our life. 

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