Saturday, October 27, 2012

Pray for mercy against earthquake in Iceland

Please unit in the acts of the impending earthquake in our wonderful country.  Unit, separately, in prayer at 20:00 Icelandic time, every night,  until the "situation of risk" ceases. We can sit down wherever we are, and pray for 1-10 minutes.

Where ever in a groups, in any place or time,  it would be great if we could take a moment, close our eyes and pray collectively or individually in our mind.

To give examples of prayers:

1. "Good Mother Earth, I thank you for your gifts;  Our being on earth, our homes made ​​from products of the earth, our clothing made ​​from products, and / or, from everything which is nurished by your nutrients and thank you for all the nutritional products derivering  from you.  We ask you to spare us from the harm of earthquake in our beautiful country, Iceland. Amen. "

2.  "Good omnipotent God, forgive us all our sins, and do not let the tremors frighten us and our children. Spare us and our properties." Amen.

3.  "Dear God, lead us whole from natural disasters in Iceland. Amen."

Amen means "So be it", which means that we ask God the hear our prayers og let them come true. "

Whishes to us all that we will be guided by God, and that his light will surround us all and everything in our wonderful country.

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