Thursday, October 18, 2012

The seven virtues

as known and used in Iceland
  1. Chastity (Purity, knowlegde, honesty, wisdom) 
  2. Temperance (Self control in everything) 
  3. Courage (endurance and ability to confront fear)
  4. Justice (Constant will of rendering to each one his right)
  5. Faith (Believe in the meaning of life and that God is always there to guide)
  6. Hope (Believe in life, in your self, in others and in the ways of God)
  7. Charity (Love, compassion, friendship)

Love is the most important of the seven virtues because it is the foundation for what we are. To give of us to others it  the important thing that each person can do. Of course, each one need as much to think about himself,  the things he need in life and grow own wisdom to be able to help others.

At first the "icelandic" virtues were four, later joined the Christian virtues; faith, hope and love.

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