Sunday, October 14, 2012

What is our life?

At the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with his disciples, Jesus breaks the bread he owns and offered disciples to eat it, as his body.That Jesus was inviting them to eat as nourishment came from Earth, grains from earth, but the earth is actually the body of God and thus Jesus' body as he puts it in his words here above.This act of Jesus Christ and that physical sustenance, bread, is represented in the corridors of the altar in Christian churches when people which is present in the church is offered wafer, a symbol of bread, to put in their mouth.

Having invited his disciples bread of life - the body of Christ, he offered them a drink from his cup and said to them that it was his blood. There is blood of God symbolically presented as blood in the body of Christ. But all that flows, water, blood in the veins of our body, is a symbol of Christ. Blood of Christ is thus the ground water, the water in the ground, it is flowing, flowing and moving. The water is intangible but we can touch it but "we can not"hold it as it runs between our fingers.Both nourrishment that Jesus Christ gave his disciples in this symbolic way, is necessary in our lives, both tangible bread given by the earth and intangible water are vital to us. This is our bodily sustenance if we had not both, we could not survive.

The above definition is necessary for us to live so that our bodies live but to live a good life then we also need spiritual nourishment. Therefore, we can not really live a good life without spiritual nourishment. We are offered to be fed on the written word of God that can be found in the Bible and religious texts and intangible words of God. It is easier to understand the word of God that we can read, but it's a little harder to understand the word of God we receive, at all times, through our eyes and ears. Our role is to feel good in our lives by accepting God coming "from all directions." Then once we have received, understood, come to realize how we can make our lives better, it is our job to open our mouths and tell others about it with words and / or writing. Thus accepting first and then giving.

This is the living word that is the symbol of a living Christ. Jesus Christ was born 2012 years ago and his words, God´s words, still live. Why is that? It is because they are the truth and the truth can never be hidden or forgotten. Therefore, living word of God which goes from generation to generation thousands of years. What is false, what is not true, "dies" however - it will be forgotten. 
This is how life works.

Word of God, that is taught in the Bible and elsewhere, is a continuous flow between people and between generations. It's like a beautiful waterfall which falls down on one step, stops there and fells down on the next one. Water that is in constant motion. Water that stops decayes and no life remains in it and no life can thrive in it.

Nothing can live without water, without living through the words of God. Hence it is that Jesus Christ came to us to teach us how we can in Fear of God and good practices of the message of God gain eternal life of our souls.

Fear of God means to respect God - respect him as our Creator - to thank him, show him respect and appreciation for our lives which we do by doing what he has taught us. It it is possible to study the Bible and numerous texts from the Bible to learn what God taught.

Good etiquette is taught in the Bible, including the Ten Commandments, good values ​​and virtues. The Bible's teaching of how we can have our lives so that we can have the best life for our souls to have the opportunity to acquire, after bodily death, eternal life.

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