Sunday, April 6, 2014

Patient love
Love is patient. God is love - God is patient. God gives us flexibility and waits patiently for us to come to him. Give others patience and ask others to show you patience. Everything has its time. Everyone needs a time to do what they are doing. Everyone does not the things he need to do at the same speed. While a good purpose is behind what is being done at every time we need to show each other patience while the work is done.
The work can be at home, at work, among friends and /or relatives.
Show love in action by being patient; provide others with peace so that they can  complete their assignments at each time using their personality, skills, knowledge and positive mind to finish their work.
God is patient and his will is that we are like him.
Give others patient love.
Become "God´s patient way" and see the peace come into your life!

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