Wednesday, October 31, 2012


To be able to love others we must first love ourselves.  We are not talking about "selfishness", because it is self-centered, where everything revolves around the individual. But we are talking about respect for ourselves. By loving ourselves as we are, we first become able to show love to others.

Love is often represented by a picture of the heart. The heart is the core of the human body. Therefore, the essence of human beings is often indicated by a heart. Love is the essence of human life. To be able to approach happiness, love is necessary. Everyone need love.  Everyone need to accept and give love!

                   All you need is love.

Love and basically everything else appears in the way of accepting love and then giving  love. If we can not accept love we can not give love. We can train ourselves in giving and receiving love, and in fact we can train many other things until we are aware of the practice until it becomes instinctive to us.

Make usual things with great love.
                                                                                                    Mother Teresa

Give and receive unconditional love. Real love is always unconditional, meaning that love is not made with the expectation that something is given back or done  for the one who gives love. There is no requirement for the beneficiary of love from the giver of love. The giver simply gives love, but requires nothing back, however, often love can returned with love, or in some other way.

Love has beent he concept of countless works of poets and artists over the centures.  Whenever love is not allowed to florish it ends with unhappiness and even disaster. An example can be taken from stories such as Tristan and Isold and Romeo and Juliet.  Love between people  is love between people, no one has the right to take people in love apart from each other.  It is not in human power to influence the unconditional love. Love and happiness often go hand in hand. One of the best ways to give love and to receive love is mutual caring. That is, to enjoy caring and give caring. Happiness comes through love; love for the loved ones, love of humanity and love of life itself.  Love to existence it self  and contribution of love to others is  the greatest love!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Pray for mercy against earthquake in Iceland

Please unit in the acts of the impending earthquake in our wonderful country.  Unit, separately, in prayer at 20:00 Icelandic time, every night,  until the "situation of risk" ceases. We can sit down wherever we are, and pray for 1-10 minutes.

Where ever in a groups, in any place or time,  it would be great if we could take a moment, close our eyes and pray collectively or individually in our mind.

To give examples of prayers:

1. "Good Mother Earth, I thank you for your gifts;  Our being on earth, our homes made ​​from products of the earth, our clothing made ​​from products, and / or, from everything which is nurished by your nutrients and thank you for all the nutritional products derivering  from you.  We ask you to spare us from the harm of earthquake in our beautiful country, Iceland. Amen. "

2.  "Good omnipotent God, forgive us all our sins, and do not let the tremors frighten us and our children. Spare us and our properties." Amen.

3.  "Dear God, lead us whole from natural disasters in Iceland. Amen."

Amen means "So be it", which means that we ask God the hear our prayers og let them come true. "

Whishes to us all that we will be guided by God, and that his light will surround us all and everything in our wonderful country.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

How can we practice to see and hear God?

Through prayer, meditation and "togetherness" with God.


We can ask God for guidance in your life, ask for a project to be resolved in the best way, pray for friends and family.


There are many types of meditations and reflections designed to quiet the mind, find inner peace, finding our self and connecting with the Almighty, which „is“ and we are all a part of.

Many types of meditations can be learned:

Christian meditation / centering prayer can be learn without paying a fee. See website

Raja yoga meditation can be learned at Bhrama Kumaris Lótushús, No fee to be paid.
Transcentral meditation can be learned at Íslenska Íhugunarfélagið, Fee to be paid.

All of the above meditation techniques are employed sitting in a chair in traditional clothing but meditation can also be considered through the practice of yoga, such as Kundalini yoga, and then on mattresses on the floor in yoga clothes or comfortable clothes. It is possible to learn those yogameditation techniques, for exemple, in the yogacenters Andartak,, and Jógasetrid,

Prayers and meditations are ways to deepen the relationship with God. Togetherness with God means love, respect and trust between the person involved and God. We humans can thus turn to God as our friend and giver of our life and the more we are in relationship with God, the stronger the friendship and trust becomes between us and God. This is like it is between us the humans, we have to know each other to start a friendship  and the more we know each other the deeper friendship and love will be there and the more trust will be in our relationship.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Message to the world about the healing of the world

Dear people of the world, 

Please listen –  we need to heal the world. We need to be good with each others and heal each others.

Priests, healers of all kind and others who believe,  I ask you please step forward and help others to understand God, to understand what he has been trying to tell us over the ages. Ask people to see and hear his words, guide them so they understand the meaning of his words – use a puplic language, a language that the people understand – explain the scriptures of God so that EVERYONE, also he elderly and the children, understand it.

We shall work on peace on earth and on the community of us all as heavenly creatures.
Please listen to those words and respond to it.

In the name of the LORD,


Saturday, October 20, 2012


Values ​​in life help each one to have a benchmark to follow when going through life.
       You can write down your values ​​and then if you need, look at the values ​​before deciding things. View what is offered to do, perform, take part in, is according to your values ​​and make decisions accordingly.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The seven virtues

as known and used in Iceland
  1. Chastity (Purity, knowlegde, honesty, wisdom) 
  2. Temperance (Self control in everything) 
  3. Courage (endurance and ability to confront fear)
  4. Justice (Constant will of rendering to each one his right)
  5. Faith (Believe in the meaning of life and that God is always there to guide)
  6. Hope (Believe in life, in your self, in others and in the ways of God)
  7. Charity (Love, compassion, friendship)

Love is the most important of the seven virtues because it is the foundation for what we are. To give of us to others it  the important thing that each person can do. Of course, each one need as much to think about himself,  the things he need in life and grow own wisdom to be able to help others.

At first the "icelandic" virtues were four, later joined the Christian virtues; faith, hope and love.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The words that God gave us, sent to us, as a coaching lines in our lives. He wants us to see it with our eyes and listen to it with our ears because he sent it to us as a a teacher and a parent who loves us infinitively.

How can we make the best of his words in our lives? 

The ten commandments

1. I am the LORD thy God, thou shalt have no other gods

2. No graven images or likenesses

3. Not take the LORD´s name in vain

4. Remember the sabbath day

5. Honour thy father and thy mother

6. Thou shalt not kill

7. Thou shalt not commit adultery

8. Thou shalt not steal

9. Thou shalt not bear false witness

10. Thou shalt not covet

It is possible to print out the ten commandments and heng it on the refrigerator, put in in a frame on the wall or keep it where it is accessible so it´s easy to look at them every now and then when we are learning it and intergrating it into our daily life!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

What is our life?

At the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with his disciples, Jesus breaks the bread he owns and offered disciples to eat it, as his body.That Jesus was inviting them to eat as nourishment came from Earth, grains from earth, but the earth is actually the body of God and thus Jesus' body as he puts it in his words here above.This act of Jesus Christ and that physical sustenance, bread, is represented in the corridors of the altar in Christian churches when people which is present in the church is offered wafer, a symbol of bread, to put in their mouth.

Having invited his disciples bread of life - the body of Christ, he offered them a drink from his cup and said to them that it was his blood. There is blood of God symbolically presented as blood in the body of Christ. But all that flows, water, blood in the veins of our body, is a symbol of Christ. Blood of Christ is thus the ground water, the water in the ground, it is flowing, flowing and moving. The water is intangible but we can touch it but "we can not"hold it as it runs between our fingers.Both nourrishment that Jesus Christ gave his disciples in this symbolic way, is necessary in our lives, both tangible bread given by the earth and intangible water are vital to us. This is our bodily sustenance if we had not both, we could not survive.

The above definition is necessary for us to live so that our bodies live but to live a good life then we also need spiritual nourishment. Therefore, we can not really live a good life without spiritual nourishment. We are offered to be fed on the written word of God that can be found in the Bible and religious texts and intangible words of God. It is easier to understand the word of God that we can read, but it's a little harder to understand the word of God we receive, at all times, through our eyes and ears. Our role is to feel good in our lives by accepting God coming "from all directions." Then once we have received, understood, come to realize how we can make our lives better, it is our job to open our mouths and tell others about it with words and / or writing. Thus accepting first and then giving.

This is the living word that is the symbol of a living Christ. Jesus Christ was born 2012 years ago and his words, God´s words, still live. Why is that? It is because they are the truth and the truth can never be hidden or forgotten. Therefore, living word of God which goes from generation to generation thousands of years. What is false, what is not true, "dies" however - it will be forgotten. 
This is how life works.

Word of God, that is taught in the Bible and elsewhere, is a continuous flow between people and between generations. It's like a beautiful waterfall which falls down on one step, stops there and fells down on the next one. Water that is in constant motion. Water that stops decayes and no life remains in it and no life can thrive in it.

Nothing can live without water, without living through the words of God. Hence it is that Jesus Christ came to us to teach us how we can in Fear of God and good practices of the message of God gain eternal life of our souls.

Fear of God means to respect God - respect him as our Creator - to thank him, show him respect and appreciation for our lives which we do by doing what he has taught us. It it is possible to study the Bible and numerous texts from the Bible to learn what God taught.

Good etiquette is taught in the Bible, including the Ten Commandments, good values ​​and virtues. The Bible's teaching of how we can have our lives so that we can have the best life for our souls to have the opportunity to acquire, after bodily death, eternal life.

Friday, October 12, 2012

A man asked the priest: "Where is God?"

The priest answered: "God is in everyone that is ready to accept him."

God is everywhere. God is in everyone of us but it is our task to "wake him up" in us, to open our heart to him, and allow him to fulfill our life.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

"When you look for me with all your heart I will let you find me" says in the Bible.

This means that if we are sincere in our search for God then he will let us find him. We can do this by praying in a sincere manner, mention a wish we have, upload or in our mind, and ask for his presence when méditating, in relaxed moments and in all work we are doing each time.

Then it is up to us to have eyes and ears open, realize when he comes in to our lifes, coaches us in our daily routines and our tasks each time.

God has so many ways of entering our lifes but often it happen in the way that other people directs us or gives us some kind of information og direction, we get better ideas how to realise a task, we see the truth - whats is right to do in things we are working on and so on...

Then we realise, little by little, that we are never alone and that God is always there for us and that that is what gives us more security in life, realizing that everything is exactly as it should be, gradually deepens our inner peace and gives us a more profond life.

This is what is called to have a life with God and to have God in our life. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

See and hear God
See God and listen to God
From the bookToo Deep for Words by Thelma Hall. Photos from
He (Christ) is as intent today on teaching and leading us through his Spirit to follow him in love and total trust, as ever he was in the human life he lived at a specific time in history. And he continues to „stand at the door, knocking“ until „one of you hears me calling and opens the door“ (Rv 3:20)(p.13).
In his humanity, Jesus experienced the contemplation of his Father, and invites us, through the gift of his Spirit, to enter into that experience. It is available to us in the measure of our faith, and love, which are the proximate means, in this life, of „seeing“ God, of touching and being touched by him-i.e., of „experiencing“ him (p.13).
To be a follower of Jesus, to be incorporated into him and to receive his Spirit, includes the potential of sharing in the contemplative experience. Indeed, in this sense it is our birthright as children of the same Father, and will become literally a „lifeline“ of communication for his faith-filled follower (p.14).
This graced „seeing“ of the God of Jesus, however, does not allow us to forget that we also experience him, and are to love and serve him, in our neighbour, i.e.,the whole human family, as well as to recognize and respond to his presence in the immediate relities of our daily life and in the events of history and society (Book p.14).
The disposition which opens and readies us for the gift of contemplative prayer is already a response to a given desire to „see“ God and to be one with him in love (p.14-15).
A simple ancient fable reveals this artfully, in telling of one seeking the Beloved. He knocks at his door and hears: „Who is there?“ He replies, „It is I.“ The response comes: „There is no room in here for both of us.“ Despondent, he goes away into the forest and for long months meditates on the words he has heard. Then he returns and knocks again at the door. In response to the same question, „Who is there?“ he replies, „ It is thee!“ – and the door opens to receive him.
The transformation of the „I“ into the „Thee“ in this fable indicates the prospect of a real kind of death. We begin to realize the seriousness of this imperative when we are able to suspend our defenses and really hear what Jesus is saying, in teaching that to follow him we must „deny“ and „renounce“ ourselves, and even „hate“ and „lose“ our lives, for his sake. And we begin to sense a strange inner contradiction, in discovering that what we now most long for, we most resist, and even fear. Instinctively, we try to look past those words of Jesus and go on to more consoling ones.
But the centraliti of this teaching is undeniable. Usually subtitled „the doctrice of the cross“ or „the condition of following Christ, „ it appears no less than six times in the synoptic Gospels, with very slight variations. Basically, it reads as follows:
Then, speaking to all, he (Christ) said, „If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross every day and follow me. Anyone who wants to save his life will lose it; but anyone who loses his life for my sake, will save it“ (Lk 9:23-24) (p.15).
No wonder he (Christ) once said, „Be careful if you´re thinking of making friends with the Holy Spirit – because he´s going to ask you to die!“ He was referring to the illusion of the false self, obstacle to God, and the source of all our sorrow. The true self, gradually revealed to us in prayer, is the self created „to become love in human form.“
„To become love“ – this is the sum and substance of Jesus´ teaching, and our ultimate fulfillment: „What no eye has seen and no ear has heard, what the mind of man cannot visualize; all that God has prepared for those who love him“ (1 Cor 2:9) (p.24).
Reading and Listening to the word of God
The first step of Lectio Divina is Lectio, or reading. It is not ordinary reading, either as to matter or manner. The matter is the „Divine word,“ or scripture, and the manner of reading is, more accurately, a „listening“ and a „hearing,“ attuned to the inspired word rately, a „listening“ and a „hearing,“ attuned to the inspired word and attentive to the Speaker (p.36).
As an example, let´s assume that a text (Is 65:1-2) from the Scripture Theme on „Contrition and Mercy“ has attracted me. After the preparations suggested, I begin the Lectio, or reading. I „hear“ the Lord saying to me,
I (Christ) have let myself be found by those who did not seek me. I said „Here I am.“... Each day I stretched out my hands to a rebellious people (Is 65:1-2)(Book p.37).
When in „hearing“ scripture we are receptive to the One who speaks in us, what we hear may be more than the words in themselves convey. The Spirit who vivifies them is himself the meaning, expressed through the words even more than by them, just as a lover may convey volumes in a phrase that would be mere convention when spoken by another (p.37).
And so I hear these words of Jesus adressed to me, and I receive his gaze with my own eyes. What do I see in those eyes as he speaks to me? And how shall I respond? (p.40)
Entering the Silence „Too Deep for Words“
Contemplation is a strange new land, where everything natural to us seems to be turned upside down – where we learn a new language (silence), a new way of being (not to do but simply to be), where our thoughts and concepts, our imagination, senses and feelings are abondoned for faith in what is unseen and unfelt, where God´s seeming absence (to our senses) is his presence and his silence (to our ordinary perception) is his speech (Book p.49).
Outside times of prayer too, we can learn to „meditate“ on life by living reflectively rather than on the surface of things: „listening to life“ and recognizing how God is there, as he is in all creation and people and events of our ordinary everyday lives (p.53)
Make our best effort to see God and listen to God, in that way we can make our life a better life and the world a better world

Connection is to the icelandic website
Connection is to the blogsite which is in icelandic
Connection is to the non-profit welfare foundation
Connection is to the non-profit healingcenter which has an icelandic text and is open to everyone.