Sunday, August 24, 2014

Good God, what is the truth?

The truth is that really is.

What we see with the naked eye and what we hear with our ears is not necessarily the truth. There are illutions all around us.

Our sight is often blinded and our ears are often blocked.

We sometimes see and sometimes hear what we want to see and hear, what suits us to see and hear each time.

We often forget to seek the truth!

It is in any case only one way to perceive the truth, see and hear, and that is through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, whom God has sent to earth in the name of Jesus, after Jesus Christ came to God on heaven after have stayed as the spirit on earth for 40 days after his resurrection.

How do we know the truth?

By turning to God in a pray: "Dear God / Almighty God... (the ask him about something and / or ask him for guidance)..., In Jesus name, Amen (You always need to use this end of the text because no one comes to God except through Jesus, or as it says in the Bible: "No one comes to the Father(God) except through me."  To ask God for anything in the name of Jesus is in fact the access key to God and God´s kingdom. Jesus is the key (access) to God.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God.

The word of God and our conversation with God through Jesus Christ is the beginning of everything that is.

May God show you the way to every things, both big and small, in your life.

Therefore, remember that it's okay to seek the guidance & healing of God with all things, even what we think is an insignificant issue.

Our children come to us if they need answers to questions of the world and if they hurt themselves. We can also come to our our Father, God, in a pray with everything in the world we need answers to, guidance with and support.

In Jesus name, Amen.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

What makes life worth living?

What makes life worth living?

Love, just love - everything else is just seen as worthless.

What is love?

Manifestation of our love is to take notice of others, taking notice of their wellbeing.

It is the opposite of egoism!

Egoism is me, me, me, me.

We need to take care of ourselves, our needs and progress of our life.

And we can do it very well.

But we can make it even better by giving of ourselves.

It is possible to practice our gifts to others, our care of others.

"How can I give of myself today?"

"Why can not I give something today?"

It need not be more than a beautiful smile!

How about starting to try to be even more loving tomorrow than today?

Allow yourself to feel how your feelings change when you increased love for others.

Be the shining love.