Monday, July 7, 2014

Who are we?

Who are we?

We are spiritual souls in worldly body.

The Spirit is our connection to God and the body is our vehicle on the planet.

In order to grow and prosper, we need to be in our soul connection with the Almighty.

It is our mind, heart and soul that are the key to love, tolerance and goodwill.

They are our connection to the Almighty God and our being.

It is through prayer, meditation and friendship with God that we development our connection with him.

Without him, we actually nothing.  He is our connection to life and our bond to the universe.

Prayers – méditation/togetherness with God - friendship with God in the form of talking to him in our mind - life - our global connection - love - faith - hope - existence - unit and togetherness is really all the same.

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