Sunday, July 20, 2014

What is life ?

What is life?

Life is love.

Each being is love.

God is love.

Each of us must reveal his & her love.

It is our purpose to gradually resemble the most beautiful, brightest and richest of love that exists, God.

Would you like to be like Him?

Search the behavior of Jesus Christ, because he was here on earth to teach us the values of God.

May God be with you on your path of love.


Sunday, July 13, 2014

God is love

God is love.

Love and charity are the identification of God.


 Because no evil is in love and charity.

· Love is patient

· Love is kind

· Love does not demand

· Love does not speak irresponsibly

· Love does not boast

· Love does not behave unseemly

· Love seeks not its own (can be happy with others, help others to flourish and take self-criticism. The way we all live and nourish dignity, peace and truth between each other)

· Love keeps no grudge (quick to forgive)

· Love does not delight over evil things (injustice), but rejoices whenever the truth is triumphed.

· Love covers all, believes all, hopes all things, endureth all ... (meaning love or calling out the best in each person)

Is this not what we respect of others and hope for of others?

Are these our values ?

Do we want this to be our values ?

If the answer is yes, then ask God that he guides us on the path of love,

because he does it if we ask him and if behind is our sincere desire to

become loving people who love both, ourselves, and all others.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Who are we?

Who are we?

We are spiritual souls in worldly body.

The Spirit is our connection to God and the body is our vehicle on the planet.

In order to grow and prosper, we need to be in our soul connection with the Almighty.

It is our mind, heart and soul that are the key to love, tolerance and goodwill.

They are our connection to the Almighty God and our being.

It is through prayer, meditation and friendship with God that we development our connection with him.

Without him, we actually nothing.  He is our connection to life and our bond to the universe.

Prayers – méditation/togetherness with God - friendship with God in the form of talking to him in our mind - life - our global connection - love - faith - hope - existence - unit and togetherness is really all the same.