Sunday, April 27, 2014


We all welcome the summer with it´s sun, light and beauty

when the nature wakes up from wintersleep.

God wants us to be like the shining sun, He wants us

to grow and flourish like the flowers of the summer.

Would you allow God to be the sun in your life,

nurture you and give you the same divine beauty?

You can aproach him with your prayers

to Him ... He is waiting to hear from

you so that He can nourish your soul and

your body with His light and love!

May the JOY and DIVINE GOD be with you this summer
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Sunday, April 20, 2014

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is our hope

The resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday marks a turning point in our existence;
 hope of eternal life.Our calendar began when Jesus Christ was born, but since 2014 years have passed .Our hope was born when Jesus Christ rose from dead and sent usThe Holy Spirit in stead of him. All our prayers must end with the words ;"In Jesus name, Amen" because Jesus is our contact with God Almighty.He said while he walked among us teaching us the around the year 30:"No one comes to the Father except through me ."
This means that the key to God / the door of the house of God is through Jesus.That's why we say , "In Jesus name" but it does mean that we believe thatJesus died to give us eternal life.Amen means "So be it"meaning we pray that our prayers will be heard of God, the Lord of all that is.Easterday is a feast; Day of hope and faith;On that day, and in fact every day, we confirm our believe of Jesus and Godby believing that Jesus walked on the earth, and that hedied for us on the cross. Our hope is based on our belief that ifwe behave in the best manners, according to

the 10 commandments,
we have a hope for eternal life in God's world - his new Paradise.
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Happy Easterfestival
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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Dear reader,

If we neither see nor hear God we are not in connection with God, so simple is that.We must make every effort to hear his words, to notice in the environment when he is speaking to us and when he tries to reach us by showing us or trying to les us hear what is good for us in every circumstances.Most of trust with our friends, based on the fact that we know our friends - that we have formed a relationship with them and we come to them for advices, for their opinions and support. It is exacly the with our relationship with God. 
To form a trust from our hand to God, we must build up  "friendship" with him.  We only build our relationships with God by beeing with him. Being with God can be in various forms; prayers to him by various prayers from your heart to him, with prayers for others, frienda, familiy, the world! and have some time with him in silence  in meditation ie. centering prayer.
May you dear reader be blessed and give your self an opportunity to allow your self to approach God and trust your friendship  receive his healing and blessing.  He is there for you if you allow him to come into your life. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I promise you that you will find the difference between walking with God ( have God in your life ) and the life that you have lived without him.

May God be your friend in your life and your supporter,
Loving regards, Maria

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Patient love
Love is patient. God is love - God is patient. God gives us flexibility and waits patiently for us to come to him. Give others patience and ask others to show you patience. Everything has its time. Everyone needs a time to do what they are doing. Everyone does not the things he need to do at the same speed. While a good purpose is behind what is being done at every time we need to show each other patience while the work is done.
The work can be at home, at work, among friends and /or relatives.
Show love in action by being patient; provide others with peace so that they can  complete their assignments at each time using their personality, skills, knowledge and positive mind to finish their work.
God is patient and his will is that we are like him.
Give others patient love.
Become "God´s patient way" and see the peace come into your life!